MIRA Launches Skills Academy

Leading figures from business, industry and education gather to launch MIRA Academy.

MIRA Forges Links with Academy

MIRA, the advanced engineering, research and test consultancy based in Nuneaton, has today launched MIRA Academy; a training and education offer that aims to further develop the skills of existing MIRA staff and support future generations of engineers and technicians.

With plans to create more than 2,000 jobs across MIRA and MIRA Technology Park by 2020, MIRA Academy will provide an essential training resource to address the skills needs not just of its own staff, but also those from the growing number of partner, customer and industry-related organisations based at the 1.75 million sq. ft. technology park development granted Enterprise Zone status in 2011. 

Dr George Gillespie, CEO at MIRA said:

 “At MIRA we recognise the need to not only prepare appropriately skilled staff for our own needs, but also the needs of our rapidly increasing customer base within MIRA Technology Park. Launching the MIRA Academy is a crucial step forward in addressing these needs.”

“I believe it is crucial that employers such as MIRA play a key role in developing the skills and staff of the future – we must inspire the next generation to consider advanced engineering as an exciting and rewarding career choice.”

Through a varied programme of more than 100 training courses, and a dedicated on-site facility, MIRA Academy will support the company’s existing Apprentice and Graduate Development Scheme participants, and sponsored MSc and PhDs, in addition to providing local education providers with a range of services – from work experience placements and support with STEM sessions to employability training. 

Lisa Rowles, Senior Manager of MIRA Academy said

“We recognise the need to encourage and develop the future generations of engineers and technicians, and have therefore already developed a number of partnerships with local education providers offering support in STEM subjects and additional work readiness activities in local schools and colleges.”

MIRA has been developing Graduate Engineers for over 20 years, with its previous trainees now employed in senior posts. Since re-launching its Apprenticeship and Graduate Development Schemes in 2011, MIRA has retained all of its apprentices and graduates. It also has a number of links into universities, providing professional expertise from across the business in the form of visiting lecturers. 

Also launched today, 16 April 2013, is the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) MIRA Technology Park Skills Plans; a document designed to focus on building and maintaining the supply of STEM based skills that the Technology Park requires. 

Marion Plant OBE, Joint Principal North Warwickshire & Hinckley College and South Leicestershire College and LLEP board lead for skills said:

“As our Enterprise Zone, MIRA Technology Park will make a significant contribution to our local economy, with plans to create over 2,000 jobs, many of which will be highly skilled and specialist engineering roles. 

“This Skills Plan demonstrates how MIRA and other businesses can work together with training providers such as colleges and other partners to make sure that the local labour market has the necessary skills to meet the needs of businesses both now and in the future.

“It is very exciting to see how the Skills Plan is influencing the way colleges and other training providers are developing their offer to young people and adults, and to see how colleges are working together in partnership to address these issues.”
