EE-VERT Presented At TRA2012 Conference

The recently held TRA Conference at the Megaron Athens AICC saw Senior MIRA Engineer Bob Simpkin present the findings of Energy Efficient Vehicles for Road Transport (EE-VERT), an innovative three and a half year collaborative research project funded under the EC 7th Framework; aimed at reducing emissions from conventional vehicles by ten per cent.

EE-VERT Presented At TRA2012 Conference

Accompanying Bob at the event was Maria Loukadaki, an MSc student currently working in the Advanced Technologies department at MIRA’s Nuneaton headquarters. Presenting her poster on ‘The Safety Concept in a Network Assisted Vehicle (NAV) Architecture’ at the conference, Maria was chosen as one of thirty top students from over three hundred and fifty applicants, receiving second prize in the Safety and Security category.

Held biannually, the focus of this year’s conference was ‘sustainable mobility through innovation’ – providing delegates with an opportunity to view a variety of presentations and listen to experts speak about both decarbonisation and future energy forms in transport.
