Vehicle Control Systems

Balancing the needs of all the electrical systems in your vehicle while maximising powertrain performance is a critical issue. And we’re experts at supporting clients in developing the control strategies to identify and implement the best product solution. For the whole vehicle or just the battery.
It’s about working with you to identify your vehicle’s overall electrical systems requirements. Understanding your brand aspirations in areas such as power, regenerative braking, cabin comfort and dynamic control. Integrating any major Tier 1 parts that allow minimal changes. Developing an approach that pinpoints the best solution to meet your needs, taking functional safety and cybersecurity into account. And quickly giving you a starting block for a strategy that you own and can implement in any way you want. Whether for a powertrain, BMS or different levels of dynamics.
In short, we’ll use our electrical systems and whole vehicle expertise to support your technical strategy. Cutting development time and enabling you to develop a smarter, safer vehicle.