Major General Ian Dale Visits MIRA

Major General Ian Dale from the MOD, DE&S, recently flew into MIRA to see at first hand the work MIRA is doing in support of the military. He was accompanied by Dr David Marsh, Head of Portfolio & Programmes Support and his Military Assistant Major Will Jagger RA. General Dale was initially met by the Engineering Director, Graham Townsend and later joined by George Gillespie, the CEO.

Major General Ian Dale Visits MIRA

General Dale was first given an insight into MIRA’s advanced engineering with a brief on green technology and hybrid drives. Presentations on MIRA’s defence capability, plans for the future and the considerable investment being made over the next few years was followed by a tour of MIRA engineering and facilities. The General took a keen interest in recent MIRA engineering on a number of military vehicles which are currently in use in Afghanistan. Tours of the EMC and Climatic Wind Tunnel facilities widened the General’s awareness of MIRA as a vehicle engineering one stop shop but he was particularly impressed with MIRA’s design, build and systems integration capability, when shown an Unmanned Ground Vehicle project.

Before leaving MIRA in the afternoon, General Dale complimented George Gillespie, the CEO on his “train set” and invited MIRA to follow up on a number of current initiatives, in support of the land domain capability.
