MIRA ‘Nose’ How to Evaluate Red Nose Day Mascot

MIRA’s full-scale wind tunnel was recently used to evaluate the behaviour of a vehicle-mounted version of the new Red Nose Day ‘Car Nose’.

MIRA ‘Nose’ How to Evaluate Red Nose Day Mascot

The advanced engineering, research and testing specialists at MIRA used the facility – which can measure drag, lift and side-forces – to determine the aerodynamic stability of the Car Nose when subjected to forces equivalent to those that will be experienced when in use at around the national speed limit.

The Car Nose was carefully secured to the front grille of seven different types of vehicle – varying from an SUV to small hatchback – using cable ties from the fitting kit provided before being subjected to sustained 80mph wind speeds at angles ranging from zero to 30 degrees.

MIRA Fluids Engineering Manager Dr Martin Jones – who was responsible for the tests – commented: 

“The Car Nose passed with flying colours and should provide motorists across the UK with miles of smiles for Red Nose Day.

The Car Nose, which changes every Red Nose Day, was unaffected by the wind tunnel runs and remained securely fitted to each of the vehicles – even in simulated crosswind conditions with no discernible vibrations or resulting movement.”

Red Nose Day 2011 is heading your way on Friday 18th March when the great British public will once again be asked to Do Something Funny for Money. The Car Nose is available nationwide from Sainsbury’s, Oxfam and rednoseday.com/shop, priced at £2.50 with at least £1.50 going to Comic Relief.
