TRL Moves Euro NCAP Testing to MIRA

TRL (The Transport Research Laboratory) has relocated Euro NCAP vehicle safety testing to MIRA as part of a new contract agreement between the UK’s two leading-edge transport and vehicle engineering businesses.

TRL Moves Euro NCAP Testing to MIRA

The move recognises TRL’s desire to shape future automotive safety standards in line with emerging technologies – such as electric vehicles and ITS. – and MIRA’s extensive expertise in vehicle safety engineering.

Commenting on the agreement: Steve Anderson, Divisional Director for Product Testing at TRL said: 

“Today, more than ever before, vehicle safety is of paramount importance. Combining the strengths of TRL and MIRA – two international businesses working at the forefront of transport safety – will ultimately benefit vehicle users as well as wider society”.

Lee Thompson, MIRA’s business development manager for safety engineering added:

“We’re delighted that TRL has chosen to bring its Euro NCAP testing here. MIRA has established a reputation in development testing, so the addition of Euro NCAP testing complements our offer and plays to an existing strength.

Euro NCAP releases one overall star rating for each vehicle tested – up to a maximum of five stars – with the overall score reflecting performance in: adult protection, child protection, pedestrian protection and safety assist whilst ensuring that not one area is underachieving.

In addition, Euro NCAP now rewards not only seatbelt reminders but also speed limiters and the standard fitment of Electronic Stability Control. However, whilst legislation provides a statutory standard of safety, it is the aim of Euro NCAP to encourage manufacturers to exceed these minimum requirements.
